Kids Have Fun at the KID'S FUN SPOTS
- Sparky's Craft Camp- Explore, learn and make crafts in a fun outdoor camp setting
- Enjoy Kids Crafts at KidsFest and watch the Stroller Parade on Sunday! Build Cabins from Lincoln Logs and other fun things from the 1800's at the Old Town Area
- Have Fun at the Moonwalk Bounce and Midway Games • Meet & Greet Our Festival Mascot "Sparky the Sparkle"
Additional Festival Highlights:
- Festival Opens Daily at 11:00 a.m. Rain or Shine
- Over 100 Ethnic Food, Craft, Sales & Exhibit Booths
- Glass Area Featuring Keystone College Mobile Glass Blowing, Peter O'Rourke Glass Cutting and Dan Sullivan Torch Work Demonstrations (Many Glass Items for Sale)
- Cutest Baby, PetPhotoandMatch Game ShowAl Weekend
- Festival Pageants on Saturday Morning
- Main Street Parade on Saturday Afternoon
- The Festival is Accessible to People with Disabilities